Embracing Analytical Products: Elevating Business Value Through Innovative Frameworks


In the modern business landscape, data governance has become a cornerstone for organizations striving to manage their data assets effectively. Traditionally, the focus of data governance has been on ensuring data quality, security, and compliance. However, there's an emerging need to extend this focus beyond raw data to the valuable insights derived from it (i.e. the analytics). Business reporting and analysis, often treated as disposable commodities, should instead be recognized for their inherent value. This recognition leads us to a transformative concept: treating analytical results as "analytical products."


This is not a new concept, but perhaps few have done this well.  Back in the early 2000’s working with “Big Pharma” in pharmaceutical R&D we took a stab at this.  We stored all the experimental results in a relational database using a key-value pairs (KPV) data model.  Essentially, only one table was needed to persist the results of any arbitrary experiment or analysis.  Using this KVP data model we were able to persist the results of the analysis on the experiments in the same table as if it were in itself an experiment.   


Of course databases and search technology has come a long way since the early 2000’s, so persisting multi-modal analytical results back in the database and making them searchable should be a “piece of cake”, right?  Having said that, I’m, frankly, surprised how little traction the concept of treating analytical results as searchable "analytical products" seems to have gotten.



The Evolution from Data Products to Analytical Products

To grasp the significance of analytical products, it may help to consider the well accepted concept of data products. Data products are curated datasets designed to provide specific value to business processes or decision-making. They are managed, maintained, and governed to ensure they deliver consistent and reliable value. In a similar vein, analytical products are the outputs of data analysis processes, encompassing both structured and unstructured results that provide actionable insights.  Moreover, since data/facts don’t interpret themselves, the analytic products should be viewed as more valuable to the business than the raw data itself.


While data products provide the raw materials, analytical products represent the refined outputs that drive business strategies and operations. By shifting our perspective to treat these analytical results as products in their own right, we can harness their full potential, ensuring they are maintained, governed, searchable, and leveraged to deliver sustained business value.


The Need for a New Framework

The existing data governance frameworks are primarily designed to manage data as a static well-structured asset. However, analytical products are dynamic, evolving as new insights are derived and new analyses are performed. To accommodate this, we need a framework that not only governs the data but also manages the lifecycle of analytical products. This framework should:

Persist Value: Ensure that the insights generated from data analysis are captured, stored, and maintained over time (i.e. curated).  I would say, not all analysis should be curated, but definitely those of high value to the business should be curated (including relevant annotations).


Enhance Discoverability: Make analytical products easily searchable and accessible to stakeholders.  Here’s where generative AI may play a key role, as it provides well for semantic search.


Ensure Accuracy and Reliability: Maintain the integrity and validity of analytical products to support informed decision-making [part of the curation process].  This is important as facts do not interpret themselves, therefore analytical products that are appropriately annotated, bringing to light the business context will be the most valuable.


Provide Lineage and Traceability: Track the origins and evolution of analytical products to ensure transparency and accountability.  Lineage and traceability are essential for having high confidence in the analytical results.


Designing the Analytical Products Framework

A framework supporting analytical products, as opposed to only data products, offers a more comprehensive and actionable approach to leveraging data and analytics. While data products provide raw data, analytical products transform this data into meaningful insights through advanced processing and interpretation. This enables organizations to make informed decisions, identify trends, and uncover hidden patterns that raw data alone cannot reveal. By focusing on analytical products (in addition to data products), companies can drive innovation, optimize operations, and gain a competitive edge. Additionally, an analytical framework ensures that the analytical products are not just collected but also contextualized and utilized effectively, maximizing their value and impact on business outcomes.


Persisting Value Through Analytical Products

To persist the value of business reporting and analysis, we must first recognize these outputs as valuable assets. This involves:

Cataloging Analytical Products: Create a comprehensive catalog of all analytical outputs, including reports, dashboards, predictive models, and ad-hoc analyses.

Metadata Management: Attach detailed metadata to each analytical product, capturing information such as the data sources used, the analytical methods applied, and the business context.

Storage and Archiving: Implement robust storage solutions to retain analytical products over time, ensuring they remain accessible and usable.


Enhancing Discoverability with Semantic Search

One of the critical challenges with analytical products is making them easily discoverable. By leveraging a Natural Language Interface (NLI) powered by a Generative AI foundation model, we can enable semantic search capabilities. This involves:


Natural Language Queries: Allow users to search for analytical products using natural language queries, making it easier for non-technical stakeholders to find relevant insights.

Inference and Contextual Understanding: Utilize the generative AI model to understand the context and intent behind queries, providing more accurate and relevant search results.

Enhanced with Business-Specific Data: Fine-tune the AI model with business-specific data and analysis to improve the relevance and accuracy of search results.  Incorporating the business-specific data using RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) also fits into this category.


Ensuring Accuracy and Reliability

To ensure that the inference results from the AI model are comprehensive, accurate, and well-grounded in facts, the framework should incorporate:

High-Quality Training Data: Use high-quality, well-curated training data to train the AI model, minimizing the risk of inaccuracies and biases.

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG): Implement RAG techniques to combine the generative capabilities of the AI model with the retrieval of relevant data, ensuring that responses are factually accurate and up-to-date.

Regular Fine-Tuning and Retraining: Continuously fine-tune and retrain the AI model to incorporate new data and insights, maintaining its accuracy and relevance over time.


Providing Lineage and Traceability

To ensure transparency and accountability, the framework should include detailed lineage and traceability features:

Data Lineage Tracking: Capture the complete lineage of each analytical product, tracing it back to the original data sources and transformations.

Algorithm and Methodology Documentation: Document the algorithms, methodologies, and tools used to generate each analytical product, providing a clear understanding of how insights were derived.

Version Control and Auditing: Implement version control mechanisms to track changes and updates to analytical products, ensuring that all modifications are documented and auditable.


Implementing the Framework

Implementing this framework requires a combination of advanced technologies and robust processes. Here are the key steps:


Technology Stack

Of course, we cannot ignore the tech stack.  In general, I would say that a loosely coupled architecture will give you the most flexibility in dealing with diverse data and analytical product sources.  The following categories in the tech stack should be considered.


Data Storage Solutions: Use scalable and secure data storage solutions to retain analytical products. Consider cloud-based storage for flexibility and scalability.


Metadata Management Tools: Implement metadata management tools to catalog and organize analytical products, ensuring they are easily searchable and retrievable.


Natural Language Processing (NLP) and AI Models: Leverage NLP and AI models to enable semantic search and inference capabilities. Fine-tune these models with business-specific data to enhance accuracy.


Lineage and Traceability Platforms: Use lineage and traceability platforms to capture and manage the lineage of analytical products, ensuring transparency and accountability.


Compute and Network Platforms:  Since all of the AI/GenAI vendors will be touting their INVIDIA-based platforms, there may be few differentiating factors to discern their capabilities in comparison.  A few third-party comparisons are emerging, however, organizations will need to take a close hard look at the vendor marketecture vs the real architecture and engineering behind their compute and network platforms.


Processes and Governance

All data and AI programs will benefit from having a good handle on process and governance; one might even say the effort will fall flat on its face if care and attention is not taken on this topic.  Here are a few things to consider:


Define Ownership and Roles: Establish clear ownership and roles for managing analytical products, including data stewards, analysts, and AI model trainers.


Develop Governance Policies: Create governance policies that define how analytical products are managed, including guidelines for cataloging, metadata management, version control, and auditing.


Training and Adoption: Train stakeholders on the new framework, ensuring they understand how to create, manage, and leverage analytical products. Promote adoption through regular communication and support.


Continuous Improvement: Continuously monitor and improve the framework, incorporating feedback from users and adapting to new technologies and business needs.


Realizing the Benefits

By treating analytical products as valuable assets and implementing this innovative framework, organizations can realize several key benefits:


Enhanced Decision-Making: With easily accessible and reliable analytical products, stakeholders can make more informed and timely decisions.


Improved Collaboration: A centralized catalog of analytical products promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing across teams and departments (i.e. interested parties).

Increased Efficiency: Streamlined processes for managing analytical products reduce duplication of effort and accelerate the generation of new insights.


Greater Accountability: Detailed lineage and traceability ensure transparency and accountability, fostering trust in the insights generated from analytical products.


Scalable Insights: The framework supports the scaling of analytical capabilities, allowing organizations to leverage insights from large and complex datasets effectively.



In the evolving landscape of data and analytics, it's time to recognize the value of analytical outputs and treat them as first-class assets. By implementing a robust framework to manage analytical products, organizations can persist the value of business reporting and analysis, making these insights easily discoverable, accurate, and reliable. Leveraging advanced technologies like Generative AI and NLP, combined with robust governance processes, will ensure that analytical products drive sustained business value and support informed decision-making. This forward-thinking approach not only enhances the effectiveness of data governance but also positions organizations to thrive in an increasingly data-driven world.

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